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Lifting the lid on toilet seat hygiene

Jul 06, 2023

How to handle toilet seats | Catholics’ Easter dilemma | Spring v hayfever | Words associated with parties

Of course a gentleman should always put the seat down (You be the judge, 1 April). But actually it’s not very pleasant to handle a toilet seat just before one has to handle one’s self (as it were) in the act of urination. I have overcome this in my household by devising a tool (somewhat like a large wooden fork – kept hanging by the loo) that I can use to lift the toilet seat before weeing. It’s not a problem when putting the seat down, because one of course washes one’s hands afterwards.Paul ElliottBox, Wiltshire

Adrian Chiles writes that, as a Catholic, he’s torn between Easter obligations and football (13 April). But surely, as a Catholic, if he genuinely repents the next day and confesses, either in the confessional or in the Guardian, read by many priests, it’s all OK? Perhaps Fr Alec Mitchell can referee?Brian SmithBerlin, Germany

“Truly, who can be miserable about the advent of spring?” asks Emma Brockes. According to NHS data, about 20% of the UK population suffer from hayfever. That’s who.Ulf DantanusBrighton

Hunted up and down, along, across and diagonally, but I could not find J-O-H-N-S-O-N among the “words associated with parties” in your Wordsearch (Print edition, 14 April). An error?Catherine RoomeStaplehurst, Kent

Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.

Paul ElliottBrian SmithUlf DantanusCatherine Roome Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.