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The 6 things I would NEVER have in my home as a pro cleaner

Jun 27, 2023

A PROFESSIONAL cleaner has revealed the home décor she would never get in her house because they are a nightmare to clean.

It's bad news if you have anything wooden in your home and there's one cleaning appliance that can get really dirty.

Professional cleaners Libby and Natasha own a cleaning company and Libby has come clean about what she hates cleaning in people’s homes.

She said in a TikTok video online: “I'm starting this one off strong with wooden work tops.”

“After a few months they're gonna go grimy you're gonna have to resound them down they're gonna go mouldy … absolutely avoid them at all costs.”

Next up Libby said she can’t stand it when her clients have a free standing bath.

She said: “This one's gonna ruffle a few feathers in a free standing bath this close to the wall because you know behind here trying to clean behind it.”

“No it's not a good look they just collect dust like sh*t loads of dust.”

Libby said seeing a wooden toilet seat in homes makes her stomach crawl.

She said: “Please don't ever get a wooden toilet seat, they do nothing but collect dirt and germs yeah if you've got one get rid of it go get a plastic one, no not for me.”

Surprisingly Libby says she’s not a fan of dishwashers even though she has one in her own home.

She said: “Now this is gonna be a bit controversial. I personally have one of these in my house but I never use it. They get so dirty, okay it's so hard to clean and I just prefer a bucket of water.”


“A dishwasher okay. I've seen my fair share of dishwashers where the grime around the edges is built up. I just …. A bucket of water for me and soapy water for me.”

The cleaner said she has a unique way of sterilising her dishes without a dishwasher.

She said: “Also what I do with my dishes after I've cleaned them is I put a kettle of boiling water over the top of them when they're on the draining board they dry in minutes and that they're sterilised.”

“So you don't need a dishwasher.”

Libby said she dreads having to clean spiral spring taps.

She said: “When I see one of these in the kitchen I'm like oh shit.”

She added: “These spirals do nothing but collect dust and grind. They are the hardest taps in the world to clean.”

The final home decor hate for Libby is venetian blinds.

She said: "I'm sure a lot of you’s agree with me on this one, these blinds. I say no more. They’re dust collectors that's all they are,"